Bringing a Film To Life

Thoughts and reflections on writing, directing, producing, and starring in my first short film.

Matt Williams
6 min readMar 22, 2021

I’m making a movie. I keep reminding myself of that. It’s been years in the making, and I finally managed to get it together. A short movie, but a movie nonetheless. I’m going to bring a piece of art from concept to completion and into the world. No matter what, that’s pretty cool.

Day 1

It almost felt like any normal day. I woke up excited. I was prepared. I had everything I needed.

Actress Alex Bowling, Director of Photography Dustin Hyer, and me.

Then the 1 o’clock call time starting creeping closer. And closer. And closer. At 10:30 I read over the script again. That may have been a mistake. All of a sudden I was flooded with doubt. Is this good? Am I good? What are we even doing?

Questions about everything from my creative abilities to whether or not the script contains a throughline of toxic masculinity began rushing into my head as though someone had just blown up the Hoover Dam.

Then I took a breath. Took a shower. And reminded myself that this is normal.



Matt Williams

I’m a freelance designer and actor who writes about all sorts of things pertaining to life, business, art, and more.